Dear Editor,
We have written to the Federal Minister for Health urging his intervention regarding the proposed individual contracts for Queensland health doctors, which would force many of our senior specialists out of the public health system.
The proposed contracts would strip away essential working conditions – putting the needs of slithering bureaucrats ahead of those of the health of Queenslander’s and job security of our doctors. The so called “contracts” eradicate many of the safeguards our most value professions were previously entitled too.
Senior medical officers in the Cairns and hinterland health service district have advised that they will walk off the job on 1 July if they have to work under these proposed new contracts. Our hardworking doctors are asking for stability and protection required in order for them to properly undertake work for which they are employed.
The Queensland Government’s inexplicable arrogance limits their right to question excessive continuous work hours which can jeopardise patient care. Fatigue creates a small but unacceptable risk of fatigue misdiagnosis. Our regional hospitals are already understaffed and our emergency departments overstretched. The first place to lose doctors and consequently vital health services will be rural and regional Queensland.
Far north and North West Queensland cannot afford to lose our valuable trained doctors due to bureaucratic posturing of the Queensland Government. They deserve our support for fair work conditions and legal contracts that protect their fundamental rights.
Hon Bob Katter MP
Federal Member for Kennedy
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