Dear Editor,
In answer to continuous claims made by the LNP in the local press that a vote for KAP is a vote for Labor, I want to set the record straight.
After the last Federal Election, I informed the LNP that they would have my backing in forming Government. My 20 points, that I felt were necessary to save Australia, led me to make this decision.
In the State Election, most people got letters that said a vote for KAP was a vote for Labor. A vote for KAP is a vote for KAP. To pretend it’s something different is ridiculous.
Now, the lies are again coming thick and fast. The truth is, we are the only true alternative in Australian Politics with a focus on building prosperity and if that leads us to the Billy Billabong party then that’s where we will go.
The LNP/ALP Corporation both hold some sort of world record for making clear cut promises prior to elections and once elected, doing totally the opposite.
Under the continued LNP/ALP free market and high dollar policies, we will not manufacture a car, a kilo of steel or produce a litre of petrol in this country. All will have to be imported. No money; no jobs; no bright future for our kids.
The ALP flew in 125,000 457 Visa holders last year and most of these ended up in mining jobs. Well paid, cream of the crop jobs that should have gone to Australians. The Liberals undoubtedly will increase this to 300,000. In Queensland the LNP have just abolished 15,000 jobs and have created none.
Under KAP, Government cars will be Australian made. Government construction will be Australian steel. The dollar will be forced down, doubling the income for our farmers and manufacturers. Ethanol (and the dams to produce it) will deliver prosperity to regional Australia. Sugar, cattle and grains will thrive. Our retirees will receive 5 per cent government secured bonds, and there will be a 10 per cent charge on all imports. This will deliver $20,000 to every family with young kids and an extra $3,000 to our struggling retirees each year.
None of these things are radical; they are exactly what are being done in other countries. You can have all of this; all you have to do is give us your vote.
Hon Bob Katter
Federal Member for Kennedy
Visit: Owen St And Edith St, Innisfail QLD 4860 Australia
Post: PO Box 1638 Innisfail, Qld 4860
P: (07) 4743 3534
F: (07) 4743 0189
Visit: 42 Simpson St, Mount Isa City, QLD, Australia
Post: PO Box 2130 Mount Isa, Qld 4825
P: 07 4092 1632
F: 07 4092 6114
Visit: 141 Byrnes St, Mareeba, QLD, Australia
(when Parliament is sitting)
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F: (02) 6277 8558
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P: 1300 301 942