Media reports that Ahmed Fahour, former CEO of Australia Post, takes home $10.8m golden handshake – free markets are fleecing Australians.
The head of Queensland Rail was on $320k a year as a top public servant. He convinced the Government to privatise Queensland Rail, then headed up the now private company and paid himself $6.1million a year.
The likes of this person and others convinced the dumb politicians with their free market: “I-don’t-have-to-do-anything-as-a-government Mr-Politician”. This justifies the politicians being a bludgerigar.
So everyone is happy except the people of Australia who are being skinned alive.
How many heads of Australia Post and heads of Aurizon, Qantas and the Commonwealth Bank were heading up viable successful organisations, being run by people on $300k a year, and are now fleecing the people with incomes almost all Australians would find obscene?
Free markets; you’ve done it again.
Hon Bob Katter MP,
KAP Federal Member for Kennedy
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