KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter has used Question Time to call upon the Morrison Government to adopt self-reliance and the recreation of industry as policy imperatives, following China’s trade sanctions and threats against Australian exports.
Mr Katter said China’s behaviour made a mockery of the Free Trade Agreement the two countries had signed in 2015, and that Australia would return to a convict colony if it continued to rely so heavily on China.
The Katter’s Australian Party MP made three suggestions where the Government could adopt a policy of self-reliance including that all cars purchased under a government contract be Australian-made, the adoption of a 22 per cent ethanol mandate – as exists in Brazil, and the implementation of laws dictating that water supply and sewage pumps be made in Australia.
“The free market’s ‘Belt and Road’ reinstates Australia as a Convict Colony,” he said.
“We are watching the re-colonisation of Australia as all our major assets, farmland, water, airports and ports are purchased by China.”
Mr Katter said that the current Government should follow the lead of former Country Party Prime Minister, John McEwen (“Black Jack”).
“When the UK entered the Common Market, Black Jack aggressively marketed Australian exports to new markets. He did not go down the ‘fairy-floss’ free market option that has provided no benefit to Australia.
“We need aggressive marketing for Australian products, not flimsy free trade agreements.”
Mr Katter said Minister Tehan’s response showed the Federal Government has no intention of being self-reliant.
“His answer said, the Free Trade Agree meant ‘Australia could seek and get assurances that China hasn’t imposed trade sanctions and threats.
“Well the cat-call from the backbenches says it all. Another MP yelled, ‘and little piggies will fly’.
“On ethanol, he said NSW and Qld have 10 per cent ethanol mandates. Well Qld only has 6 per cent and NSW has never reached 3 per cent, despite saying they have a 4 per cent mandate.”
Question to: The Minister representing Trade – Dan Tehan
Doesn’t China’s trade sanctions and threats make a mockery of Free Trade agreements?
And will your Government now adopt self-reliance and re-creation of industry as policy imperatives?
- That all cars purchased under a Government contract be Australian made?
- A 22 per cent ethanol mandate be implemented – as exists in Brazil?
- New laws dictating that water supply and sewage pumps be made in Australia?
Minister, doesn’t the Free Market’s Belt & Road reinstate the Convict Colony?
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