17 November 2017: Hon Bob Katter MP is incensed at the Cairns Mayor’s criticism of North Queensland Economic Development body, Advance Cairns, as allegations emerge of the Mayor only continuing to support the organisation if he gets to appoint the CEO and only if the organisation agrees to Cairns Regional Council’s views on issues.
Mr Katter said, “The Cairns Mayor, clearly he has remained a public servant who has not the slightest whiff of the bright, enterprising leadership that we have seen from past and present board members Stewie Smith, Richard Ireland and Chair Trent Twomey.
“Not in Mackay, nor Townsville, nor Mt Isa has there been the slightest whiff that the local booster organisation should be muzzled and turned into a puppet.
“Advance Cairns have shown the first, and only, dynamic leadership that the town has seen in 20 years. In fact you would probably go back to former Minister Martin Tenni, Paul Kamsler, Mick Borzi era to find the same bright, same aggressive imaginative leadership that has sparked people like myself,” said Mr Katter.
Together with State KAP Members Robbie Katter and Shane Knuth, Mr Katter has worked closely with Advance Cairns – which promotes economic development in the North Queensland area, from 100km north of Townsville, west to the Northern Territory border.
“The horticulture industry, which is a bigger employer than tourism for the Cairns region, derives a massive benefit from the sealing of the Hann Highway. It cuts the travel time from North Queensland to southern markets by 10-15 hours/800km. Advance Cairns was one of the major pushers of this initiative,” Mr Katter said
“The dredging of the Cairns port, the upgrade of HMAS Cairns - the place has started to live again with bright, aggressive leadership. But I can’t help but put the boot in here on the incestuous ‘LNP cabal of power’ in Cairns that have produced absolutely nothing, not even an overpass. Going from the Northern beaches into Cairns is a bloody disgrace.
“The LNP have had the Federal and State Members and the Mayor for most of the last six years and have delivered nothing.
“Come in on the southern corridor which has been under KAP and you have two overpasses, a massive bridge and 20km, 2 lane each way, highway. Again the leadership of Advance Cairns helped pushed for the southern corridor upgrades.
“I pay tribute to the contribution and leadership of Advance Cairns to the Far North Queensland region,” said Mr Katter
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