15 JUNE 2017
KAP Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has welcomed Federal funding of more than $750 for two plaques at the RAAF Memorial in Cardwell to honour the 18 crew who lost their lives when two Catalinas were shot down during the Battle of the Coral Sea.
Mr Katter was this week advised by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs that the full grant amount, requested for the project by the Royal Australian Air Force Association Townsville Branch, had been approved under the Community Commemorative Grants category of the Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program.
But further commemorative infrastructure was still needed at the Cardwell memorial in recognition of the national significance of a battle that proved crucial to saving Australia from invasion in World War II, said Mr Katter.
"We are enraged we still have got no military ordinance there, like the cannons at other nationally significant memorials around Australia,” said Mr Katter.
“One of the two battles that saved this nation from invasion, and at the memorial park that commemorates this battle, we've got nothing at all from the Army.
“I am reaching the end of my patience level on this, and I'll be speaking to the Minister for Defence Industries next week on this.”
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