KAP Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter watched Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party’s performance in the Western Australia (WA) election closely. It is Mr Katter’s little party, the KAP – who stand to gain or lose the most from One Nation’s performance in the looming Qld election.
Mr Katter said, “Anyone in Qld who thinks One Nation is dead in the water is badly misreading the situation. The LNP is toxic in WA, but the difference in Qld is, so is the ALP (as well as the LNP).
“The disaster of One Nation giving all their preferences to Liberals, and voting with them all the time in Canberra… (This brought down Tony Windsor who was always voting with the ALP), One Nation is beginning to look like a LNP lamb in wolf’s ‘Third Force’ clothing, the Hanson Party must realise the reason people vote for them is because they’re not one of the majors.
“But when in Canberra, One Nation has taken a stand on the following (and these were all burning issues):
“Came out against a banking Royal Commission,
“Came out in support for the sale of Kidman to Shanghai Cred (whoever their partners are is irrelevant),
“Voted for the Bash up the Workers Legislation (ABCC),
“Voted for the Bash up the Farmers and Tourist Operators legislation (the Backpackers Tax).
“Not only does this portray One Nation as an LNP supporter, but it portrays them as LNP.
“But if you look like a duck and quack like a duck, then you will get shot like a duck.
“We would like One Nation not to duck, but listen to calm, reasoned and experienced counsel. This is the kind of counsel we always reply upon.
“Also, people have underestimated the reaction to throwing WA Senator Rodney Culleton out of the Senate. Cool heads would have seen the disastrous ramifications of this.
“We shall be urging all of the Third Force parties in Australia, whatever their strengths and weaknesses, to come together.
“All the little parties have one strength in common; they were not the ones who exported our industries and jobs overseas and imported workers into Australia to take what’s left of our jobs. That was (believe it or not) mostly the ALP, and most certainly the LNP.
“It will be a great tragedy for this nation if the Xenophons and Lambies, the KAPs and all the other non-major parties do not have a coming together.
“Our strengths are in our differences but one thing we all have in common is we tenaciously oppose the extremism of the Free Market ideologues and their privatisation, de-regulation and globalisation.
“To the people of QLD, don’t worry about WA; you’ve made a decision to leave the majors and as the Johnathan Thurston and his NQ Cowboys say -- stay in the fight!”
Visit: Owen St And Edith St, Innisfail QLD 4860 Australia
Post: PO Box 1638 Innisfail, Qld 4860
P: (07) 4743 3534
F: (07) 4743 0189
Visit: 42 Simpson St, Mount Isa City, QLD, Australia
Post: PO Box 2130 Mount Isa, Qld 4825
P: 07 4092 1632
F: 07 4092 6114
Visit: 141 Byrnes St, Mareeba, QLD, Australia
(when Parliament is sitting)
P: (02) 6277 4978
F: (02) 6277 8558
Local Call within the electorate
P: 1300 301 942