Do Not Touch Media Release

Media Release

Mission Beach deserves better

KAP Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter is stunned that Mission Beach a city of about 6000 can be cut off after a bit of heavy rain.

Mr Katter said, “There has to be some serious pressure put on. The flooding only highlights the dangerous nature of the access roads from Tully and El Arish into Mission Beach.

“The crests and dips are extremely deadly. A box falls off a truck or a tree falls across a road as you come over the crest and you’re done.

“We had the death of at least four cassowaries last year.

“The access roads need cassowary crossings. We need big, round galvanised iron or concrete culverts put in that are two or three meters in diameter.

“Where is the money being spent by the Department of Environment…is it a tree full of blood sucking termites in the department? Because the money is not being spent where it is needed.

“Yet the ALP and LNP are promising Brisbane $500m for another tunnel!

“We can’t even get the Silkwood / Kurrimine Beach intersection with the Bruce Highway offset, yet alone a badly needed road upgraded for Mission Beach.

“We’re going to be stepping up pressure on all fronts.

“We’re also going to write to Mission Beach Woolworths and tell them about the incredible eyesore they’ve created on the most beautiful places on earth.

“The building is blemish that is completely out of step with one of Australia’s jewel in the crown locations -- they’ve done their best to turn it in to a concrete jungle,” said Mr Katter.


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