KAP Member for Kennedy, Bob Katter has rejoiced in the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party byelection win in the NSW seat of Orange.
Mr Katter said, “This is a wonderful decision by the people of Orange to throw out the major parties. Orange has set an example for the rest of Australia. And it comes fast on the heels of the annihilation of the Government in the NT.”
Mr Katter said, “The Bush created the Labor movement. The Bush created the Country Party. These parties have been taken over by the enemies of the “hands-on” class in the cities and particularly in the regional areas.
“30 per cent of Australia’s seats are non-metro.
Mr Katter sees the win as a strong continuation of a political trend away from the establishment.
Mr Katter said, “People are saying that two Nats crossed the Senate floor on the Adler last night.
“They say they’re running away from the electoral Armageddon that awaits The National Party.
“If they can’t see the writing on the wall with Brexit, Trump, Hanson and the Orange byelection – well I pity them. And we’re not seeing any change from our major parties. They’re not getting the message.
“The people are beating back a pathway to – ‘The Australian Way’.”
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