KAP Leader for Kennedy, Bob Katter has thanked the Prime Minister for his interest in the Hell’s Gate dam proposal. The Turnbull Express came to Townsville earlier in week (18 May) promising rail upgrades into the Port and a feasibility study into Hell’s Gate dam.
“Malcolm Turnbull’s water talk is another step forward for us with Hell’s Gate,” said Mr Katter.
“There are a number of studies that exist into this proposal right now. One is the $3m I got for the Dalrymple Report which is a study on the Hell’s Gate dam and coal mining proposal at Pentland.
“We thank both the current Prime Minister and the ALP Government and Treasurer Swan and most of all Dr Bradfield and Sir Leo Hielscher, the legendary Chairman of the Treasury and architect of the strongest state economy in Australian history. We also thank Jenny Hill, the mayor and her council for their support of Hell’s Gate.”
Mr Katter said the Hell’s Gate proposal opens up vast areas of Western Qld but also has the potential to be the first clean energy project in Australian history,
“The real heart of this project is the potential of $2000m a year from Ethanol, sugar, electricity, and diesel (bio) thanks to the magnificent work done by JCU.
“I think this will lead to big change in Hughenden where work is well advanced both on irrigation and meatworks projects. Also, a lot of work has been done at Pentland on some very advanced technology industries.”
Mr Katter said the bane of Nth Qld has been the lack of baseload power,
“I’m confident with Federal Government cooperation half of Nth Qld’s current electricity can be provided from this project at rates infinitely cheaper than that provided by electricity pumped up from Southern Qld power stations.
“The dam proposal holds the water a whopping 300 metres above Townsville. When you turn the tap on in Townsville now, you pay the electricity man. When you take the water from Hell’s Gate through hydroelectric turbines, the electricity man pays you -- the water-user in Townsville.”
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