Do Not Touch Media Release

Media Release

Katter demands Parliamentary Inquiry into Chinese Communist Party influence at UQ

KENNEDY MP, Bob Katter will move for a full-blown Parliamentary Inquiry into foreign influence in Australian universities following the case of UQ student, Drew Pavlou who was suspended after holding a pro Hong Kong demonstration at the University’s St Lucia campus.

“The days of ‘visa shop universities’ are over; Covid-19 and Chinese intrusion have both destroyed this Ponzi scheme,” he said.

“This is an appalling case where an Australian exercising his rights is bashed on an Australian University campus.

“The fact this has taken place at the University of Queensland – a sandstone university with a wonderful tradition – and that it has prostituted itself to this extent, demands a full and objective inquiry.

“We have not seen an aggression of this nature since the days of rampant communism. And the question that needs to answered; are we watching the re-colonisation of Australia? Australians 240 years ago did not have the perspicacity and cultural experience to realise their country was being colonised out from under them.

“Politicians are cowardly hiding in corners, protecting themselves from charges of racial discrimination and this reminds us clearly that cowardice is one of the three factors in losing wars. The Chinese Communist Party if nothing else, have made no secret of the fact that with their ‘Belt and Road’ they intend to control the world. They won’t be controlling me; I’m an Australian. It would be nice if other Australians stood up.”

Mr Katter will move a motion at the next federal parliamentary sitting that the Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security carry out the Inquiry.

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