Do Not Touch Media Release

Media Release

Neglected inland roads need funding

KAP Leader and the Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter MP, State Member for Mount Isa Rob Katter and State Member for Dalrymple Shane Knuth are supportive of the RACQ’s statement urging the State Government to allocate funding to the inland highway linking North Queensland to Brisbane and have all called on the State and Federal Government to go one step better and also seal the Hann Highway which will link North Queensland to Melbourne.

“There are several sections that need funding immediately,” Mr Katter said.

“The Hann Highway is the missing link between Lynd and Hughenden – linking Cairns to Melbourne, this development would shave 700kms and two days off the inland trip. It has the added advantage of road trains being able to travel the whole way without needing to unhook their trailers. This would drastically reduce maintenance, fuel and fatigue management. This section of road desperately needs the funding to complete the project.

“Both Governments are stalling on the additional funding required for the completion of the highway."

Mr Katter, State Members Shane Knuth and Rob Katter have attended numerous meetings with the Hann Highway Action Group, Advance Cairns, Department of Transport and Main Roads and have closely consulted with the Etheridge and Flinders Shire Councils about upgrading sections of the inland highway linking North Queensland to Brisbane and the Hann Highway linking North Queensland to the southern states.

“So far the Flinders and the Etheridge Shire Councils have received funding of $20 million to undertake the Hann Highway upgrade," Bob Katter said.

"However, to complete the project they will need funding in the vicinity of $140 million. If the Premier can find a couple of billion dollars for infrastructure projects in the South East corner, spending $5000 million on a tunnel and nearly $1000 million on his Taj Mahal, surely he can find $140 million for a vital road project for North Queensland, without selling off our assets.

“The completion of the Hann Highway link will then be the alternative inland route to the Bruce Highway when it floods. It will greatly improve the movement of cattle, long distance transport, create employment opportunities and will benefit tourism for the area,” Bob Katter said.

The Hann Highway Action group, Russel Lethbridge, Alison Murphy and Flinders Shire Council Mayor Greg Jones have fought like tigers for this project and Rob Katter State Member for Mount Isa has done an immense amount of lobbying in State Parliament for the completion of the Hann Highway.

“The KAP party State representatives, Shane Knuth member for Dalrymple, Ray Hopper Member for Condamine and Robbie Katter Member for Mount Isa, are the lone rangers in State Parliament when it comes to lobbying the LNP to divert their focus from the South East corner to Northern and Inland Queensland," Bob Katter said.

Rob Katter State Member for Mount Isa said, “The proposed Inland Highway is a cost-effective and much safer option to the Bruce Highway because it will be able to take much heavier vehicles and much more freight, thereby taking those loads off the Bruce Highway.

“The answers to the Bruce Highway require lateral thinking, because unless we find solutions these flooding issues and the ever-increasing traffic volumes will always be a great burden and a risk to everyday drivers and their families."

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