It is said that one person can change the world – and it may just be one person who holds the key to keeping Australia’s corporate-controlled political duopoly in check after this year’s Federal Election, said KAP Federal Leader and Member for Kennedy Bob Katter in today announcing the party’s number one Senate candidate for Queensland, Australian music icon James Blundell.
“James is anything but a career politician, which sadly 95 per cent of our MPs are,” said Mr Katter. “Like most Australians, James spent almost a decade of his young adult life in knockabout, hands-on jobs," Mr Katter said.
Like most Australians, James is known to imbibe in the odd coldie on a hot day – and maybe on a few cold days as well. And like most Australians, James has experienced his fair share of triumph and tribulation.
“It is these quintessential characteristics that ensure James will be a voice of, and for, the Australian people in Parliament, rather than a lap dog for the corporate interests that control our major party governments.”
Meanwhile, Mr Katter said while the fledgling party was humbled by the predictions of some political commentators that the KAP would hold five Senate seats after September 14, he warned that other political commentators were tipping a landslide that could see the Coalition controlling both the Lower and Upper Houses of government.
“This will not be in the best interests of Australia, given both the LNP-ALP is controlled by their corporate cronies (he pays the piper calls the tune),” warned Mr Katter. “Alternatively – and just as bad – we continue to see the Greens pulling the strings if they hold the power in the Senate.
“Let it be known – it will be only the presence of Katter’s Australian Party in the Upper House that will rid us of the Green puppeteers holding this country to ransom.
“And if the Australian people provide us with this Senate power, we will ensure the passage of any LNP initiative to repeal the Carbon Tax.
“Conversely, the KAP will stop dead the LNP proposal involving increasing food prices by imposing a Goods and Services Tax on food.
“Everyday Australian people, the hundreds of thousands of people battling to make ends meet, will not suffer any increase in cost burdens. And the Australian Party will point out specifically what we will do to dramatically reduce electricity charges.
“People will not have a continuation of control of their governments by the corporate giants who line the pockets and party funds of their ALP-LNP cronies.
“Australia’s political landscape is screaming for a shake-up. Our agricultural, manufacturing and mining industries are dying while our free-market sycophant major party governments give everything away for nothing in return. They’ve been great success stories in exporting jobs and industry whilst importing foreign fly-in-fly-out workers to take our jobs and undermine our pay and conditions.
“It’s a clear choice: corporate crony control, or the greens. That’s your choice unless the KAP can be delivered the power in the Senate,” Mr Katter said
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