Only hours ago Bob Katter voted with the Government against an Opposition amendment to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
“This amendment had the very real potential to further delay introduction of this scheme under the veil of establishing yet another time-wasting, money-hungry quasi-government body.” Mr Katter said.
“We are sick and tired of both sides of politics playing silly political games instead of focusing on the very real task at hand of running the country.”
“For years disabled people and the people that care for them have suffered, whilst successive government and inflated bureaucrats have passed the buck. This is now to the point when any further delay can only be brought down to nothing more than political point-scoring.”
“We challenge every member of Parliament - mostly in the Opposition - that voted against this scheme to front up to their electorate. They should hold public meetings to justify their actions and explain why they have treated some of the most vulnerable and deserving Australians as political footballs.”
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