The Townsville Hospital and Health Service region has completed 28 days without a new case of Coronavirus, and therefore has met the guidelines for the easing of restrictions set by the Qld Premier and Chief Health Officer, Janette Young (Ref: TB, 22 April).
Kennedy MP, Bob Katter said now North Qld had met the threshold the draconian house arrest that was strangling society should be eased.
“I wasn’t initially critical of the house arrest, it was necessary, but it is now obvious that we can overcome it with regional quarantining,” he said.
“The churches, pubs, clubs, local businesses and schools are vital for recovery and moving forward.
“Young people are being deprived of the joy of being a young person. They can’t socialise or meet a prospective partner. Rugby league teams, not just the Cowboys, should be playing and training.
“Old people are locked into their houses like a prison. Many are missing vital medical appointments with GPs and other health professionals because they don’t feel comfortable to leave their homes.”
Mr. Katter said Far North Qld would also be coronavirus free if Qld Health hadn’t brought the contagion in through one of its Brisbane based workers.
“Cairns will meet the 28 day threshold in 7 days as their last case was on April 16; a case that was caused by the gross mismanagement of the Premier and her refusal to implement regional quarantining,” he said.
“The leaked recording of the Premier by someone in her party, where she says she won’t open the schools because if there’s a sick child ‘they’ll be blaming the State Government, they’ll be blaming me and (Education) Minister Grace Grace,’ is a shocking statement (Ref: CM, 1 May).
“The mentality and policy of this Qld Government is we will look after ourselves, not you.”
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Cameron, D 2020, ‘Leaked audio revels Premier’s position on schools’, Courier Mail, 1 May, viewed 6 May 2020, <>.
Charles, C 2020, ‘Queensland’s Chief Health Officer says regions must wait 28 days before it is safe’, Townsville Bulletin, 22 April, viewed 6 May 2020, <>.
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