THE Australian Party’s Bob Katter has urged victims of flying fox inundations to band together in taking legal action against governments who value the rights of disease transmitting bats over human lives.
"We will be taking class action and approaching people who have been attacked and families who have been placed at risk," said the Federal Member for Kennedy following reports of another horse death from Hendra disease, which is transmitted from bats to humans via horses, and now, it seems, possibly even via pet dogs.
"Once again we are calling for public donations to fight this in the courts, until such time as The Australian Party can secure ascendancy and change the laws that place more importance on protecting bats’ rights than human lives.
"The Australian Party has unequivocally stated its position: that you will be able to remove the bats from private land where you reside."
Mr Katter said his own personal position had changed, in that he was now urging the removal of bats by whatever means necessary – short of any risk, of course, to neighbours.
"We are also proposing that the same rule be applied to all deadly animals," he said.
"The idea that you cannot protect yourself in your own home, in your own backyard... that is the policy of the two major parties, and it revolts every traditional Australian."
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