THE Australian Party Federal Member for Kennedy Bob Katter has welcomed today’s announcement of the CopperString transmission project connecting North and North‐West Qld being declared an Infrastructure Facility of Significance by the Qld Government.
"This approval guarantees a corridor of land for the 1000km‐long, high‐voltage electricity line between Townsville and Mount Isa, which will offer a desperately‐needed lifeline to existing mines struggling with power bills and proposed mines that would not get up without it," said Mr Katter.
"It will also be a lifeline for the regional and remote communities who will benefit from the clean energy projects proposed under the umbrella of the Northern Australia Clean Energy Corridor.
"Along the CopperString line, two giant clean energy power plants have emerged – the Hughenden Windlab proposal providing 660mgwts (over 200mgwts base load) and the Pentland solar/biofuels proposal producing 450mgwt of base load power and 1000mgltrs of ethanol a year.
"If the Ingham bio‐energy mill and Tully mill conversion was added, with only 5 per cent of NQ’s water and 1 per cent of NQ land, we can:
Mr Katter said the EIS approval demonstrated the State Government’s recognition of the project’s economic and employment potential, and followed the Federal Government’s commitment of millions of dollars to the project following last year’s ‘Hung Parliament’ election.
"To make this a reality the QLD government needs to provide acceptable market contracts for our electricity and a phased‐in 10 per cent ethanol mandating to take the Pentland and Ingham production – a very small challenge for a Premier who has rightly described the NACEC as a second Snowy Mountains scheme and maybe just a small mini Bradfield," he said.
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